Sometimes, there just seems to be too much happening to update these blogs with any frequency--at least that's our excuse. Halloween was the last time we posted anything, but (at the risk of too much brevity) it suffices to say that Thanksgiving was fun with the family and Christmas was enjoyed by all--even though we missed Mike who was in New Mexico with Melissa.
On a bittersweet note, Dave's mother passed away on Christmas Eve after a full and wonderful life--struggling during the last few years with dementia. We made a quick trip to Utah for a glorious reunion with family and friends and to celebrate


remarkable life of Chloe Weed. He

rs was a life filled with love,

devotion, dedication, consecration, and the development and sharing of her extraordinary talents. After reflecting on and considering her life over the past several days, we all came away determined to be better people.
On a lighter note, we

were able to visit with a number of

relatives and friends in Utah and go ice skating (during which Katie fell on the ice; splitting her lip in a manner that occasioned a visit to a Provo urgent care facility--they are quite nice). A highlight for our desert dwelling youngest was experiencing falling snow for the first time in their lives.